Book Now with a Small Deposit

Over 22 Years Experience

Easy Individual Payments

Hassle-free Hen Dos

Book Now with a Small Deposit

Over 22 Years Experience

Easy Individual Payments

As a tour operator, it is important that we have terms and conditions in place to set out our respective responsibilities. These terms and conditions, the Booking Confirmation, any information we brought to your attention before confirming your Programme, and our privacy policy collectively form the contract between you and Groupia ("Contract"). These protect us as well as you, so please read these carefully.

PLEASE NOTE: it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you purchase travel insurance to cover the cost of cancellation by you, curtailment and assistance (including repatriation) in the event of accident, illness or death. You must also ensure that your insurance policy does not contain any exclusions for the types of activity you are going to be participating in. We are entitled to assume that you have adequate insurance in place by the start date of your Programme when you travel with us.

You are responsible for conducting yourself in a safe and sober manner during the Programme, arriving and departing for the Programme on time and behaving appropriately (i.e. you do not have the right to mistreat the services and/or hospitality provided).

Package Bookings

When the Programme you book with us is a Package, we accept responsibility for the Package as the Package organiser under the PTR. Sections A and C of these terms and conditions will apply to Programmes that are sold as Packages.

Non-Package Bookings

Where the Programme you book with us is not a Package, such as activity-only or accommodation-only, it will not benefit from the protections of the PTR. For non-package bookings, we act as agents for the Supplier and their terms and conditions are incorporated into your Programme booking. Sections A and B of these terms and conditions will apply to Programmes that are not Packages.

Section A details the terms and conditions which will apply to all Programme bookings you make with us (both Packages and non-Packages).
Section B details the additional terms and conditions which will apply to non-Packages only.
Section C details the additional terms and conditions which will apply to Programmes that are Packages only.

1. Interpretation

(1.1.) Definitions

"Agenda" "Itinerary" - a list of suggested activities, accommodation and or other associated services, together with relevant pricing details;
"Booking Confirmation" - the confirmation invoice provided by us to the Client, which details the agreed Programme, price and details of payments, which is issued when the Client makes a booking with us;
"Booking Party" - the persons named in the signed Client booking form and received at the time of booking and includes the Client;
"Brexit" - the United Kingdom's ceasing to be a member state of the European Union, including the transitional period currently in place until at least 31 December 2020, which is outside of Groupia's control;
"Client" - the person that has authority to sign the booking form on behalf of the Booking Party;
"Force Majeure Event" - any safety risks, adverse weather conditions, war, riots, civil strife or terrorist activity, aviation issues, access issues, Government intervention/advice, acts of governments/public
authorities, local authority disputes, industrial disputes, utility blackouts, cyber warfare, outbreaks, pandemics, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, flood, shortage of water, epidemics, health scares, medical emergency or necessity, airport closures, quarantine restrictions and any other event beyond our control;
"Groupia" "we" "our" "us" - Groupia Limited (trading as one or any of Groupia, GroupiaGolf, StagWeb, GoHen, GoGroups, Teams on Tour, Company Away Days & Groupia School Trips and/or associated subdomains or platform owned by Groupia (as updated, removed or added to from time to time), registered in England and Wales under company number 04368234 and whose registered office is at 30 - 32 Westgate Buildings, Bath, Somerset, BA1 1EF (as changed from time to time);
"Package" - has the meaning given in the PTR and includes bookings consisting of a combination of at least two different types of travel service, when they are sold as a package. Travel services include the 'carriage of passengers' (including, but not limited to, flights, ferry and/or coach travel), 'accommodation', 'motor vehicle hire' (cars and motorbikes) and any other 'tourist service' which is not an intrinsic part of a travel service already included in your booking (i.e. accommodation + an activity). Note: when a 'tourist service' is combined with only one of the other types of travel service it will not create a package if it does not account for a significant proportion of the value of the combination and is not advertised as, and does not otherwise represent, an essential feature of the combination. However, please be advised a booking with us that does not contain accommodation will not generally be considered a package;
"Programme" - the selected activities and/or entertainment and/or accommodation and/or transport services and/or guide services as detailed in the Agenda that are requested by the Client when booking and which are subsequently reconfirmed in the Booking Confirmation;
"PTR" - the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangement Regulations 2018 (as amended, revoked, supplemented to and superseded from time to time);
"Supplier" - the recognised contracted party used to provide an activity, venue or service included in the Programme; and
"you" "your" - each person in the Booking Party.

(1.2.) Groupia reserves the right, at any time before a Contract is formed with you, to withdraw or change these terms and conditions and the most recent version of these terms and conditions in force at the time of booking will apply to your Contract. These terms and conditions are accepted by the Client to the exclusion of any previous terms and conditions, written or otherwise.

(1.3.) We want you to be safe, informed, prepared and aware of your responsibilities when it comes to group travel - if anything is unclear or you would like to talk through any of these terms and conditions please contact us on 01225 474200 during our normal office hours or e-mail us at

2. Making a Booking

(2.1.) Upon request, and following receipt of a booking enquiry, Groupia will supply the Client with an Agenda in order for it to make selections for the Booking Party's preferred Programme.
(2.2.) The Contract will come into existence when Groupia issues its' booking confirmation following payment, by the Client, of the deposit detailed in the Booking Confirmation. The Client confirms and guarantees that it has authority to enter into and accept the terms of the Contract on behalf of the entire Booking Party, that it will ensure the Booking Party fully understands and have seen these terms and conditions before it makes a booking and that the Booking Party are all over the age of 18.
(2.3.) The Client must check carefully to ensure that Booking Confirmation matches exactly with the details of the booking intended to be made by the Client.
(2.4.) Once the Contract is formed you can register to benefit from Groupia's VIP area, which will allow you to manage your booking with us.

3. Pricing

(3.1.) The price of the Programme will be detailed in the Booking Confirmation. Groupia reserves the right to change the price of the Program at any time prior to the issuing of the Booking Confirmation.
(3.2.) The Client accepts that pricing and availability may expire over time before making a booking.
(3.3.) If it transpires that an incorrect price has been entered in error, any booking made based on such incorrect price will not be valid. We will contact the Client to notify them of the error at the earliest opportunity and you will then have the option either to pay the correct price for the Programme or to cancel and receive a full refund of any monies you may already have paid.
(3.4.) All prices referred to will be in pound sterling (GBP £) and inclusive of any additional charges unless otherwise stated.
(3.5.) Local authorities in certain countries may impose additional taxes (city tax etc), which generally become payable locally e.g. at hotels (or otherwise). These taxes are not included in the price of the Programme and shall be payable by you. The amount of these taxes can change between booking and stay dates. In the event that taxes have increased, you will be liable to pay taxes at the new higher rate.
(3.6.) Flights are not included in the price of the Programme, unless otherwise stated.
(3.7.) Unless otherwise stated on the Agenda or provided in these terms and conditions, the price does not include the cost of drinks, food, admission, parking charges, concierge or porterage charges, fees, corkage charges, contributions, first aid, medical expenses, communication costs (e.g. phone calls and e-mails), extended stays, assistance where you are in difficulty and/or any other items that are not directly referred to in the Booking Confirmation.
(3.8.) Suppliers of the services and activities of the Program may require the Client or members of the Booking Party to leave a credit card details on checking in, or alternatively to provide a breakage/damage/security/behaviour deposit. These amounts are refunded locally if there is no justifiable reason to retain such deposit(s), which shall be at the discretion of the Supplier(s). The Client accepts that Groupia is not onsite and therefore not witness to any deposit disputes. Accordingly, Groupia accepts no responsibility for any refund or dispute arising under this paragraph 3.8. If requested, we will investigate the matter in accordance with our complaint's procedure stated in paragraph 11, however we will not accept financial liability for any loss or any associated expenses arising out of this paragraph 3.8.

4. Payment

(4.1.) The Client accepts responsibility for arranging payments for all members of the Booking Party.
(4.2.) The deposit (which is non-transferable and non-refundable unless otherwise agreed in writing or provided in these terms and conditions) as detailed in the Booking Confirmation is payable on booking in full. The remaining balance is generally payable at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the Programme or by such other date as is specified in the Booking Confirmation.
(4.3.) Additionally, each member of the Booking Party will have the option to pay a variable non-refundable event deposit (e.g. £50 per person) to validate their own place on the event.
(4.4.) Notwithstanding paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3, Groupia usually requires the full balance payment for any flight inclusive package a least 12 weeks prior to departure, but certain airline carriers will require the full payment on booking. We will confirm this in your Booking Confirmation.
(4.5.) In the case of bookings made less than 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the Programme the total amount is payable upon booking.
(4.6.) Groupia reserves the right not to provide the Programme or any part thereof until it has received sufficient funds from the Client. Groupia will not be liable for any matters arising out of delay in payment by the Client.
(4.7.) If the deposit and/or balance is not paid in time, Groupia will cancel the Contract without penalty and treat such failure as a cancellation by the Client. If the balance if not paid in time, Groupia will keep your deposit.

Note: when you make payment via Groupia's online portal, you will have the option to purchase Payment Protection from our partners, Protect Group (who are independent from us). We recommend that you take out this protection as it will allow you to claim a refund if you cannot participate in your Programme if this is due to a qualifying reason. If you take out this additional protection, you do so acknowledging that:

(4.7.1.) all policies are provided by the Event Protect Ltd (t/a Protect Group)
(4.7.2.) Groupia are not legally responsible for any policy purchased by you from Event Protect Ltd (t/a Protect Group)
(4.7.3.) any policies taken out are a legal agreement between Event Protect Ltd (t/a Protect Group) and you
(4.7.4.) all correspondence regarding the policy must be sent by you direct to the Event Protect Ltd (t/a Protect Group)
(4.7.5.) all purchased policies are non-refundable; and
(4.7.6.) to register a claim with the Event Protect Ltd (t/a Protect Group), visit -

5. Travel Insurance

(5.1.) As a condition of your booking, you are required to have adequate travel insurance in place. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that cover matches the Booking Party's requirements. Such travel insurance should cover the cost of cancellation by you, curtailment, assistance (including repatriation) in the event of accident, illness or death, damage/loss to baggage and/or equipment. You must also ensure that your travel insurance will cover you for the types of activity included in your Programme, without limitation (note certain activities may be excluded from the terms of your travel insurance and it is your responsibility to arrange cover for any such exclusions). The travel insurance should be in place from the date the Contract comes into effect.
(5.2.) The Client must ensure that all members of the Booking Party are aware of the condition to have necessary travel insurance in place.
(5.3.) The Client will be required to provide details of the travel insurance taken out by the Booking Group (insurer and policy number) on the booking enquiry form. If the Client fails to provide the details of insurance, Groupia is entitled to assume that the Client/you are comfortable with your responsibilities, aware of the implications of insurance cover and fully satisfied with their own arrangements.
(5.4.) Groupia shall not be liable to you if you travel without travel insurance and incur losses (howsoever arising) which are attributable to you and would have otherwise been covered by a travel insurance policy (this shall include, but will not be limited to cancellation/curtailment, legal and medical costs that may become payable by you.

6. Your Responsibilities

(6.1.) The Client must instruct all members of the Booking Party to pay their individual deposits and balances by the time frame stated on the Booking Confirmation (the deposit can be paid individually) and will be responsible for ensuring that the payment timetable, as set out in the Booking Confirmation, will be met on time.
(6.2.) The Client shall be responsible for ensuring that it keeps the Booking Party informed of any information supplied by Groupia in respect of the Programme. Where you consist of more than one party, an act or omission of one party will be regarded as an act or omission of all.
(6.3.) Some of the activities provided by Groupia as part of Programme require an element of physical activity on the part of the Booking Party. You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically able to take part in the Programme, that you do not impair, restrict or endanger your involvement or that of other members of the Booking Party's involvement in the Program or any third party. If you/the Client has any doubts or concerns regarding any member of the Booking Party's participation in the Programme these issues must be raised in writing at the time of booking to ensure suitability, (for example age, weight, height, pregnancy, asthma, high blood pressure, heart conditions, vertigo). For the avoidance of doubt, Groupia will not hold itself liable where any member of the Booking Party is unable to take part in the Programme (or any part of it) due to them not being fit enough to participate. Please also refer to paragraph 7 below.
(6.4.) You must ensure that you are suitably prepared for your experience and comply with all activity/element timetables of the Programme. Failure to keep to the timetables may result in either discontinuation of the event/activity or cancellation of the Programme; in either event Groupia will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any other costs that may be incurred.
(6.5.) You must act at all times in a safe, responsible and courteous manner; comply with all safety procedures (for the avoidance of doubt this includes being sober (that is not under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substances) when participating in activities included in your Package); listen and be present at all safety and information briefings relevant to the Programme's activities and your health and safety; make supervisors, representatives or any person in authority immediately aware of any personnel, equipment or site deficiencies or concerns; dress and/or equip yourself suitably for any event or activity as advised by Groupia and or its Suppliers, and observe and obey all laws, guidance, advisements, requests (including the signing of any disclaimer) and conditions of use of any Supplier, including accommodation and entertainment venues.
(6.6.) Following the supply of Client contact details, including e-mail, VIP area access and postal address, Groupia's e-mails and outbound communications will be deemed to be received and Groupia cannot be held responsible for the failure of the Client to check / read / communicate their received information.

7. If you are Disabled/Have a Medical Condition

(7.1.) Not all of the activities/services included in a Programme are suitable for persons who have reduced mobility/are disabled. On request we can provide you with details on the suitability of a Programme to assist you in deciding whether a Programme meets your specific requirements, but only if you provide us with prior written details of your specific requirements before you make a booking with us. Examples of the information required from you includes, but is not limited to, special facilities required for your disability (ramps, lifts etc), medical equipment that you need to take with you, dietary requirements, allergies and medical conditions) which it or any of the Booking Party have.
(7.2.) If your specific requirements arise after booking with us, you must notify us as soon as possible and provide us with full details so that we can liaise with our Suppliers to determine whether the Programme can be carried out safely for you.
(7.3.) We may require in certain circumstances for you to be accompanied by another person who is capable of providing the assistance you require. Such accompanying person will be required to pay to participate in the Programme. We reserve the right to not accept your booking if you are not travelling with an accompanying person where we have reasonably identified that it is necessary for you to do so.
(7.4.) We reserve the right to not accept your booking if after taking into consideration your special requirements, condition and/or disability, we reasonably believe that a Programme is not suitable for you. We also reserve the right to cancel a Programme and impose applicable cancellation charges (as set out in paragraph 10 below) if we become aware of any medical condition or disability that you have, which you have not previously notified us of under this paragraph 7, or where we reasonably believe that your Programme is not suitable for you or where you are not travelling with an accompanying person who can provide the assistance required. Where we cancel in these circumstances, we will not be liable for any other costs or expenses that you incur. 

8. Special Requests

(8.1.) If you have any special requests concerning your Programme, please tell us before you book. We cannot guarantee any special request will be met, but we will liaise with Suppliers to determine if these needs can be meet for you.

9. Disclaimers

(9.1.) Due to the nature of extreme activities, variable international protocol and standards, occasionally members of the Booking Party may be required to acknowledge and agree to local disclaimers (which may include health disclosures) prior to proceeding with elements of their Programme. These disclaimers serve to highlight the risks associated with the activity in question. By acknowledging the disclaimer, you will voluntarily proceed fully aware of the risks associated with that activity (including injury & death, safety, security and comfort). Where known Groupia will provide you with the applicable disclaimers prior to the start of your Programme.
(9.2.) If, for any reason, a Supplier provides you with a disclaimer on location, which you have not previously seen and you elect not to proceed with an activity, Groupia will reimburse you to the value of the individual net cost expense of that element of the Programme which will be paid within 14 calendar days' following receipt of a copy of the disclaimer from you. This shall not affect any rights you may have if your Programme is a package.
(9.3.) Whilst Groupia will endeavour to provide as much advance information as reasonably possible, Groupia will defer to the protection of any disclaimers where the circumstances allow. Should any assistance be required post disclaimer, which arises from the risks inherent in the activity/Programme and not due to the negligence of the Supplier/Groupia, Groupia will endeavour to provide assistance, but the level of support may be limited to local services.

10. Alterations, Changes or Cancellations made by the Client

(10.1.) Any requests to alter, change or cancel the Programme once the Contract has come into effect must be notified to Groupia by the Client in writing as soon as is reasonably practical. In the event of a cancellation, the Client will also be required to complete an online cancellation form. All amendment and/or cancellation requests will be confirmed back to the Client in writing and will take effect at the time we receive them from the Client. Verbal alternations and/or cancellations to the Programme will not be accepted.
(10.2.) We cannot guarantee that we/the Supplier will be able to meet any requests made by the Client to alter or change the Programme, but we will liaise with our Suppliers to see if this is possible for you. Where we can make the alteration/change requested, you will be required to pay an administration charge (detailed in the table below) and any costs we incur in making these for you, including supplier costs. These costs are likely to increase the closer to the start of you Programme, so please ensure that you notify us as soon as possible. Groupia reserves the right to apply these administration charges retrospectively.

Number of days prior to commencement of the Programme

Amount Payable by you in Pound Sterling (£)

Amendment Type

42 to 35* days


  • Change to date or timings
  • Additional late guest add on
  • Location change
  • Change of activity (if possible)

Less than 35 days


  • Change to date or timings
  • Additional late guest add on
  • Location change
  • Change of activity (not possible this close to the event date)

(10.3.) Certain activities/services included in your Programme (including, but not limited to pre-purchased tickets, specialist equipment and/or personnel, venues and accommodation and flights) may not be changeable after a reservation has been met and any request to alter or cancel these could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that particular activity/service.
(10.4.) Since Groupia incurs costs in cancelling your Programme, you will be required to pay the cancellation charges set below which are different depending on the destination of your Programme:

UK (Domestic) Events
International (non-domestic) Events

Number of days prior to commencement of the Programme

Amount Payable by you in Pound Sterling (£)

Amount Payable by you in Pound Sterling (£)

More than 56 days*

Loss of deposits paid (which will also include individual deposits).

Loss of deposits paid (which will also include individual deposits).

More than 42 days*

Loss of deposits paid (which will also include individual deposits).

50% of the total price for the Programme regardless of whether or not payment has been received.

42 to 35* days

50% of the total price for the Programme regardless of whether or not payment has been received.

100% of the total price for the Programme regardless of whether or not payment has been received.

Less than 35 days

100% of the total price for the Programme regardless of whether or not payment has been received.

100% of the total price for the Programme regardless of whether or not payment has been received.

* Please note that if your final balance deadline has been set over 42 days in advance of your event, there will be items in the package that don't apply to our standard cancellation terms (as outline above). In this instance all payments made will be non-refundable after this time.
If the Client opts to make a payment that is larger than the required guest deposit i.e. an instalment or final balance payment, the value of the required guest deposit on the booking will be deducted from any refunds due.
Any Instalment payment(s) made on bookings made before the 01/01/2021 remain non-refundable and non-transferable in line with T&C's at the time of booking.

Note: if you have taken out a refund protect policy, your cancellation fees may be recoverable under your policy. Please refer to your policy wording for further information or speak with your insurer to make a claim under your policy.

(10.5.) Except where your Programme is a Package under the PTR:
(10.5.1.) if you have paid for your non-Package Programme through instalments (where permitted); or
(10.5.2.) have paid in full (or part) at the time of cancellation
any balance due to you after calculating the applicable cancellation charge shall be provided as credit (unless agreed otherwise) and subject to Groupia's Credit Terms (see below).

11. Complaints & Claims Process

Making a complaint or claim

For any complaint/claim you may have regarding the Programme you have booked, the following provisions shall apply.

(11.1.) Whilst participating in your Programme: if you have any complaints about the Programme you must communicate these without delay to Groupia or its Suppliers (e.g. your accommodation provider) who will endeavour to put things right to avoid, where possible, it from ruining any part of the Programme for you. Please raise any complaint directly to the Supplier of the services or to our representative whilst at the location. Groupia can also be contacted by telephone during stated business hours Mon-Fri on +44 (0)1225 474200 (or any other support number supplied to you). Where you raise a complaint, we will ask you to complete a report form whilst in resort/on location.
(11.2.) If your complaint is not resolved locally, please contact us as soon as possible upon your return. An online complaints form will be released to the Client's VIP area for completion and must be done within 28 calendar days of completion of the Programme. Once the complaints form has been received, Groupia will investigate the complaint(s) within a 28-day period, allowing for satisfactory investigation and negotiation of any disputes (unless further time is required where the level of investigation requires this) and you agree to allow this process to run its course prior to proceeding with your complaint further (including external representation/advancing a claim/requesting a chargeback). If the form is not completed within the 28-day time frame, the Client will need to send the complaint in writing to our Customer Services Department at Groupia Ltd, 30 - 32 Westgate Buildings, Bath, BA1 1EF. Your letter (which cannot be e-mailed) should include your booking reference, a detailed description of the complaint and any supporting evidence.
(11.3.) If you do not follow the requirement to raise a complaint locally, we will have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate and rectify your complaint whilst you were at the resort/on location and this may affect your rights under this Contract.
(11.4.) Other complaints: for any complaints or claims which do not relate to issues to the Programme locally, please write to our Customer Services Department at Groupia Ltd, 30 – 32 Westgate Buildings, Bath, BA1 1EF. Your letter (which cannot be e-mailed) should include your booking reference, a detailed description of the complaint and any supporting evidence.
(11.5.) We recommend that any written communications are sent by recorded post in order to absolutely confirm receipt.
(11.6.) We will attempt to settle valid complaints/claims as quickly as possible. However, in order to do so we will need reasonable time to investigate the complaint.

Note: if your complaint/claim concerns a Programme which does not constitute a Package under the PTR, your claim should be directed to the supplier of the Programme direct, but where possible we will provide you with assistance to present your claim to the supplier. You agree to indemnity Groupia for all losses, costs, expenses (including legal costs and expenses) where you incorrectly pursue a complaint against Groupia instead of the Supplier.

Complaints/Claims Investigation

(11.7.) We will send you an acknowledgment of your complaint/claim with 14 calendar days of receiving it from you.
(11.8.) Our complaints/claims investigation process will take approximately 28 days from receipt of your written complaint, but in some cases may take longer where the level of investigation required merits this.
(11.9.) Where a complaint/claim is initiated by you and is being investigated by us, you confirm that you will not attempt to "chargeback" monies to your payment (credit or debit) card and accept that if you do, this will require further resource and may hinder our investigation of your complaint. If, for any reason, you receive duplicate payments/settlements from both your card provider, via chargeback, and Groupia, you agree to indemnify Groupia for the full payment/settlement and to return the same to Groupia within 7 calendar days.
(11.10.) For the avoidance of doubt, any complaint posted on social media or on review sites shall not be considered to have been made in accordance with this paragraph 11 and you will be required to follow this process to validate any complaint you may have in connection with the Programme. Should you choose to continue to complain on social media we reserve the right to defend ourselves, post any applicable response, take action against defamation (where available) and seek to recover costs in defending ourselves (including, but not limited to, our legal costs/expenses and any associated damages).
(11.11.) Nothing in this paragraph 11 shall prevent you from making a claim under your travel insurance policy. Where your insurance policy responds to your claim, you will not be entitled to receive duplicate payments for the same claim and you agree to notify Groupia within seven (7) calendar days of your claim being accepted (in full or part) by your travel insurers. If, for any reason, you receive duplicate payments/settlements from both your travel insurers and Groupia, you agree to indemnify Groupia for the full payment/settlement and to return the same to Groupia without delay.

Complaints & Claims: Other Considerations

(11.12.) You agree that if Groupia settles any complaints/claims, any payments received shall be in full and final settlement of your complaint/claim and Groupia shall have no further liability to you/your Group.
(11.13.) Any settlements paid by Groupia in respect of complaints/claims will be paid to the Client in a single payment via bank transfer. Please allow a minimum of 28 days for payment of any claim. In these circumstances, the Client agrees that they are responsible for repaying funds back to the other members of their Booking Party appropriately.
(11.14.) Further identification for claims may be required from the Client.
(11.15.) If Groupia have overpaid any claim the Client accepts it must repay such overpayment to Groupia within 7 days of receiving the overpayment.
(11.16.) In some circumstances Groupia may agree to issue you credit in settlement of your complaint/claim. In these circumstances Groupia's Groupia Credits Terms will apply (see below).

12. ABTA

(12.1.) We are a Member of ABTA, (membership number W7797). We can offer you ABTA's scheme for the resolution of disputes arising out of this Contract. The scheme is arranged by ABTA and approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we can't resolve your complaint, please visit to use ABTA's simple dispute resolution procedure. Further information on the Code and ABTA's assistance in resolving disputes can be found on You can also access the European Commission Online Dispute (ODR) Resolution platform at This ODR platform is a means of registering your complaint with us; it will not determine how your complaint will be resolved.

13. International Travel, Passport, Visa and Health Formalities

(13.1.) It is your responsibility to ensure that you check and meet the specific passport, visa, health and immigration requirements applicable to your Programme. You should check these with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates.
(13.2.) You should also contact your doctor or a specialist vaccination centre for details of any health measures you will need to take prior to departure. The latest health travel advice specific to your Programme can be obtained from
(13.3.) Please note that requirements do change so it is important that you keep up to date at all times prior to your departure. The latest travel advice specific to your Programme can be obtained from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at
(13.4.) All passports generally need to be valid for 6 months and less than 10 years old on the day of departure. Some destinations also require visas depending on the passport holder's nationality. This is likely to change due to Brexit, which may mean that there are additional requirements which you have to comply with. For more information, please regularly check and any other government publication issued from time to time.
(13.5.) If you do not hold a British passport, including EU nationals, you should obtain up to date advice for your specific passport and visa requirements from the Embassy, High Commission or Consulate at your destination(s) and any countries that you may be travelling through.
(13.6.) We do not accept any responsibility if you are either unable to travel (or return) or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any applicable passport, visa, health or immigration requirements or where any passport or visa is subsequently revoked (howsoever arising). You agree to reimburse us for any fines/other losses which we incur due to your failure to comply with any applicable passport, visa, health or immigration requirements.
(13.7.) Groupia will not be held responsible in the event of the Client and or any member of the Booking Party contravening any laws including but not limited to international laws, entry requirements, customs, regulations, medical and cultural etiquettes & protocols. We recommend that all visitors to foreign destinations familiarise themselves with protocol, differences, restrictions and culture in advance of their visit.
(13.8.) Groupia will not be liable in any capacity for the failure of the Client or any members of the Booking Party to prepare appropriately and suitably for international travel.
(13.9.) Groupia will not be liable in any capacity for prevention of entry to an international destination & therefore the failure of any programme booked due to the failure of customs & or entry requirements being ineffectively prepared & or erroneously or otherwise applied.

14. Additional Self-catering Terms

(14.1.) Deposit/Payments made for self-catering accommodation is generally non-refundable and non-transferable, so please only book if you are absolutely sure. This does not affect any rights you may have where the self-catering accommodation is part of a Package.
(14.2.) Properties require minimum numbers, no variation in cost will apply for reduced numbers, however increased costs may apply for increased numbers. Please note all number changes must be approved in writing in advance.
(14.3.) You must leave the property in the same state it was in when you arrived and the Booking Party will jointly be responsible for all damages/breakages and loss to property. Should incidences of damage or breakage occur these must be reported immediately and any associated bill must be paid immediately, onsite and directly to the Supplier. Groupia will not be responsible for any damages/breakages not settled by you.
(14.4.) If additional cleaning is required after vacating the premises the Booking Party will be required to pay for that cleaning charge, before leaving the premises, directly to the Supplier. If the Client fails to pay, the outstanding bill will remain payable & you will be additionally charged a minimum of £10 for every day the cleaning bill remains unpaid.
(14.5.) You agree to indemnify Groupia for any claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) that it may incur in respect of your failure to resolve the situations listed in paragraphs 14.4 and 14.5 with the Supplier direct.
(14.6.) If the state of or damage to the property is to such an extent that the property cannot be let, the Booking Party will be required to cover the cost of lost bookings.

15. Accommodation Ratings/Standards

(15.1.) All ratings are as provided by the relevant Supplier and can vary between countries, as well as between Suppliers. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of ratings and you acknowledge that local standards may differ from in the UK.

16. Accuracy of Information

(16.1.) The information we provide you (on our e-mail or otherwise) is dependent on the information we receive from our Suppliers and is intended to present a general idea of the services provided. This includes photographs, videos and descriptions. Whilst we will endeavour to ensure that the information is accurate, unfortunately errors may occasionally occur.

17. Standard Special Offer Terms

(17.1.) In the absence of, and unless otherwise stated, the following terms automatically apply to all special offers: not valid with any other offer, one offer per group only, no cash alternative, full weekends only (min 2 nights, 1 activity), groups must remain above 12 guests, all offers subject to availability, offer applied post clearance of balance payment, offers cannot be applied retrospectively i.e. offers apply to future bookings only, standard terms apply. Groupia reserves the right to vary offer terms at any time. Offers may be withdrawn in exceptional circumstances (e.g. due to Health & Safety considerations etc).
(17.2.) Special offers and competition prizes exclude activities and packages within in the platinum section.

18. Additional assistance

(18.1.) If you are in difficulty whilst on taking Part in your Programme and ask us to help we will provide appropriate assistance, in particular by providing information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance. You must pay any costs we incur if the difficulty is your fault.

19. Behaviour

(19.1.) Groupia by itself or its Suppliers reserve the right to cancel or end the Programme with immediate effect at any stage, with no liability of reimbursement, if the behaviour of the Booking Party or you is likely in the opinion of Groupia or its Suppliers to cause distress, injury (or death), loss or damage to property, danger to or to annoy, and or offend other clients, customers, guests or other members of the Booking Party, employees, general public, property or anyone else, breach any application law or Supplier rules (including, but not limited to, the use of alcohol (where not permitted) and/or illegal substances) ("Inappropriate Behaviour").
(19.2.) Rude and/or aggressive behaviour towards any Groupia employee or Supplier will not be tolerated and may also result in immediate Programme cancellation.
(19.3.) If you or the Booking Party are found to be behaving in a way that results in affecting the standard performance and or presentation of Groupia's Suppliers and enjoyment / experience of other Clients, guests or groups, you or the Booking Party will be required to leave the premises with immediate effect - if this is the case the Programme will be immediately terminated and you or the Booking Party will immediately forfeit all costs and any right to compensation, whether or not the Programme has been completed.
(19.4.) If we terminate your arrangements as a result of your or a group member(s) or the group as a whole's Inappropriate Behaviour under Paragraph 19.1 or under paragraphs 19.2 or 19.3, we (or where applicable our Suppliers), will not be responsible for paying any expenses or costs (including any legal expenses/costs) that you incur. You will be also be responsible for paying for any loss, compensation and/or damage that results from your Inappropriate Behaviour.
(19.5.) We reserve the right to make a claim against you for any loss, damages, compensation, costs and expenses (including legal costs/expenses) ("Losses") incurred as a result of your Inappropriate Behaviour under Paragraph 19.1 or under paragraphs 19.2 or 19.3 and you agree to indemnify us in respect of such Losses.
(19.6.) Groupia cannot accept liability for the behaviour of others in your accommodation/venues and/or taking part in any activity and/or event, associated and or in the same environment forming part of the Program, or if any facilities or services are removed as a result of their action.
(19.7.) Failure of the Booking Party to quickly and fully settle outstanding expenses may result in criminal charges being brought against the Booking Party by the Supplier and or Groupia, and or any external organisation for the purpose of pursuing these damages.

20. Groupia's Liability

(20.1.) Groupia will use all reasonable care in the selection and use of Suppliers of services and activities forming part of the agreed Programme. Our responsibility/liability will depend on the type of Programme you have booked. For non-Package Programmes, please refer to Section B and for Programmes that are Packages, Section C, where our respective responsibility is set out.
(20.2.) If the Booking Party arrives at any part of the Programme with an increased number of persons to those detailed on the booking form, Groupia's responsibility to the Booking Party under these terms and conditions will not apply to those additional persons. Groupia/the Supplier shall have the option to refuse to provide any of the Programme to such additional persons without any liability to them/you. If it is possible for the Supplier to add these additional persons to the service/activity included in the Programme, those persons shall be solely responsible for paying the Supplier direct and no contractual relationship will be formed between Groupia and those additional persons (the Supplier will be the contracting entity in this scenario) and Groupia shall have no liability whatsoever.

21. Risks of Contracting COVID-19 (or similar contagion)

(21.1.) Whilst efforts are being made across the world by local governments, authorities and health authorities to minimise the spread of COVID-19, there remains a risk that you, or any member of your booking, may be exposed to and/or contract this virus (or similar contagion) at any time before, during or after your intended Programme if you come into contact with an infected person(s). We are working with our suppliers to ensure that they have implemented systems to follow local guidance/measures and have response strategies in place to offer protection for you. The level of measures in place may differ by country/area and may not necessarily be as strict as those in place in the UK. Irrespective of measures being taken, due to the nature of this virus (and contagions of a similar nature) it is not possible to completely eradicate the risk of contracting it.
(21.2.) It is important that you are aware of these risks before you book with us, so that you can proactively decide whether a particular Programme/destination is suitable for you/the Booking Party. We recommend that you consider the FCO's latest travel advice and the infection rates at your intended destination(s) before making your booking with us. We also recommend that you discuss any health concerns/conditions that you or any member of your party may have with your GP before booking with us and you must follow the UK's Track and Trace/Test and Trace requirements if you think you have or do have symptoms.
(21.3.) If you chose to accept these risks, we recommend that you have adequate travel insurance in place to cover the costs of medical treatment, holiday curtailment, repatriation and associated costs. Note: we will not be responsible if (i) you have purchased a Package Programme and subsequently contract COVID-19 (or similar contagions) whilst on holiday and are unable to prove that this was due to our/our supplier's negligence or (ii) where you contract COVID-19 whilst taking part in a non-Package Programme as in these circumstances we are acting as agent for the supplier only (please refer to Section B for more information on our responsibility when we act as agent).

Symptoms before/during Travel

(21.4.) It is a condition of your booking with us that you declare within 14 days of departure if you:

(21.4.1.) start to show symptoms of COVID-19 (or other similar contagion) or have a confirmed case; and/or
(21.4.2.) have been exposed to someone with symptoms of, or confirmed to have, COVID-19 (or similar contagion) and/or
(21.4.3.) are notified by the UK's Track and Trace/Test and Trace that you need to self-isolate

(21.5.) You must also follow the health guidance in place at that time, which may include a requirement for you and anyone you have been in contact with to self-isolate. If you are unable to travel due to restrictions in place and have to cancel, we regret that you will be subject to our/our Supplier's standard cancellation fees.
(21.6.) It is a further condition of your booking with us that you declare without undue delay during your Programme if you start to display symptoms of COVID-19 (or similar contagion). You will also be required to confirm details of anyone that you have been in contact with during your Programme without undue delay.
(21.7.) You agree to adhere to any reasonable requests in respect of hygiene and to comply with all quarantine and other measures (including but not limited to wearing protective masks) that are in place at all times. You, and anyone you have been in contact with, may also be required to self-isolate to avoid creating further exposure.
(21.8.) You agree to indemnify us for any costs, expenses (including legal costs and expenses), damages and compensation that we become liable to pay as a result of you (or any member of your party):

(21.8.1.) intentionally travelling with symptoms of, or a confirmed case of, COVID-19 (or similar contagion) (including, but not limited to, where you do so against the UK's Track and Trace/Test and Trace requirements);
(21.8.2.) ignoring any restrictions in place against travel when you have been exposed to someone with symptoms of, or with a confirmed case of, COVID-19 (or similar contagion);
(21.8.3.) intentionally withholding your symptoms of, or a confirmed case of, COVID-19 (or similar contagion) whilst on holiday;
(21.8.4.) intentionally failing to disclose the details of anyone you have been in contact with during your holiday;
(21.8.5.) intentionally omitting to tell us that you have been contacted by the UK's Trace and Trace/Test and Trace system and have been identified as a person that needs to self-isolate; and/or
(21.8.6.) not following any measures/restrictions/quarantine requirements that are in place in destination.

Changes to Facilities/Itineraries

(21.9.) The effects of certain Force Majeure Events may mean that travel to/from your destination as well as certain services and facilities at destination may be affected and/or different to those normally expected, sometimes with little or no advanced notice. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:

(21.9.1.) quarantine restrictions introduced in the UK or abroad
(21.9.2.) requirements to wear protective clothing such as face masks (at you own cost)
(21.9.3.) disruption of travel, such as inability to board carriage due to you presenting symptoms of illness, heightened health screening, changes to facilities at airports/ports/terminals, delays caused by any measured adopted at airports etc, short notice change of carriers/flights and changes/adjustments to transfers that you may have arranged
(21.9.4.) restriction or closure of accommodation facilities and services including, but not limited to, where this is due to social distancing requirements or similar (e.g. closure of buffet functions, gyms and other communal areas, restricted numbers for events/classes made available by your accommodation provider), lower levels of staff present, changes to menus/products usually made available due to a shortage of suppliers/the non-availability of products and the introduction of having to book meals and other services in advance
(21.9.5.) closure of your chosen accommodation due to an outbreak of COVID-19 (or similar contagion)
(21.9.6.) restriction or closure of local facilities e.g. beaches, parks, water parks, local attractions etc
(21.9.7.) being required to adhere to social distancing requirements and limiting contact to persons within your booking.

(21.10.) It therefore may be necessary for us to make changes to your Programme either before your departure or during its' performance with little or no notice in the circumstances provided in this paragraph 21. We reserve the right to deviate from your original holiday/itinerary or to make changes to the same where it is necessary to do so to ensure your safety. Except where your Programme is a Package and these changes amount to a significant change, we will not have any liability to you.
(21.11.) Where Force Majeure Events lead to unprecedented situations (such as the global COVID-19 pandemic or similar) and these create disproportionate strain on Groupia/its resources, Groupia reserves its rights to rely on any industry/government guidance and changes in law, which shall include (but will not be limited to) any option to issue credit notes. At all times, this will not affect your statutory rights and where your Programme is a Package, will be in line with any financial protection requirements we are obliged to have in place. In these circumstances you agree to explore any alternative options available with Groupia.

22. Data Protection

(22.1.) The data you provide to us when you book your Programme (including sensitive data, data relating to minors, your name, passport details, address and dietary requirements) will be passed to our Suppliers (such as accommodation, airlines and transport providers) and/or other necessary organisations where it is necessary for the provision of the Programme. This data may also be provided to public authorities if required by them, or as required by law. If we didn't pass this data in this way, it will not be possible for your Programme to be arranged and performed.
(22.2.) We apply appropriate security measures to protect your data. However if you are travelling to a country outside the European Economic Area, controls on your data protection may not be as strict.
(22.3.) We only pass sensitive data (such as that relating to your health) to people/Suppliers responsible for your travel arrangements where we have your prior consent to do this.
(22.4.) Your personal data is respected and will be handled in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy at all times. Please refer to this for further information.

23. General

(23.1.) Oral advice and draft deliverables - you may only rely on our final written deliverables and not on oral advice or draft deliverables. If you wish to rely on something we have said to you, please let us know so that we can prepare a written deliverable on which you can rely.
(23.2.) All calls with Groupia are recorded for training and quality purposes.
(23.3.) If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this paragraph 23.3 shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms and conditions.
(23.4.) No amendment or variation to the Contract or terms and conditions shall be effective unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.
(23.5.) The Contract between the Client and Groupia and any dispute arising from it, whether contractual or non-contractual, will be construed and governed by English law and be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts. However, you may choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you were residentially based there at the time of booking and wish to do so.
(23.6.) Entire agreement: the Contract forms the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the services. It supersedes any earlier contracts, agreements, representations or discussions in place. No party is liable to pay any other party (whether for negligence or otherwise) for a representation that is not in the agreement.
(23.7.) Rights of third parties: a person or representative who is not party to the Contract has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (as may be amended) to enforce any terms of the Contract.

Note: this Section B applies in addition to Section A.

24. Our Responsibility for your Booking

(24.1.) The Supplier's booking terms and conditions are incorporated into your Programme booking (a copy of which can be provided upon request). Since we act as agent for these Suppliers, we accept no responsibility for the provision of the non-Package Programme (nor are we liable for the same) or for any information relating to the Programme which we pass on to you in good faith from the Supplier. Our responsibility in these circumstances are to book the services as per the Client's instructions.
(24.2.) If we are found liable to you on any basis (except where paragraph 24.3 applies) our liability shall be limited to 2 times the net cost of the element of the Programme found to be deficient plus all reasonable local transport costs pertaining to that element of the Programme only (which will be in full and final settlement of all claims including loss of enjoyment). In the case of any local transport costs claims, all official receipts will be required.
(24.3.) Notwithstanding the above, Groupia does not exclude or limit any liability for personal injury or death which arises as a direct result of the negligence of its directly contracted staff (providing they were acting in the course of their employment relative to the booked Programme only).
(24.4.) You/the Booking Party agrees to indemnify Groupia for any costs/expenses (including legal costs and expenses) that Groupia incurs as a result of you/the Booking Party incorrectly pursuing Groupia where the same should be directed to the Supplier.

25. Complaints

(25.1.) Where you have a complaint relating to your non-Package Programme, please let us know as soon as possible and we will provide you with assistance to contact the Supplier (please follow the complaints process in Section A for this purpose).We will take reasonable steps to help you to recover monies from the Supplier on your behalf, but you acknowledge and accept that we have no liability to you.

26. Groupia Credit

(26.1.) If you have to cancel your non-Package Programme, a credit may be offered to you in lieu of your booking provided you complete the credit form in your VIP area, but this will not affect the standard cancellation terms which apply in Section A. Any Groupia Credit shall be governed by Groupia's Credit Terms (see below).

27. Transferring your Non-Package Programme

(27.1.) If you need to transfer your non-package Programme to another person, please let us know as soon as possible (but in any event no later than 7 days before the start of your non-package Programme) so that we can make enquiries to see if this is possible. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that it will be possible to make such a transfer, but where we can arrange this for you we will pass the costs we incur back to you. Both you and the person taking your place will be responsible for paying these.

28. Alterations or Changes to the Programme by the Supplier

(28.1.) We will inform you as soon as reasonably possible if the Supplier needs to make any changes to or cancel your non-Package Programme. We will liaise between you and the Supplier in relation to any alternative arrangements they may be able to offer you or to assist you in obtaining any refund due. However, any course of action you have will be directly against the Supplier for whom we act as agent.
(28.2.) We shall not be liable to you where your non-Package Programme is affected or cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure Event but will assist you in accordance with paragraph 25 above.

Note: this Section C applies in addition to Section A.

29. Financial Protection

(29.1.) We provide full financial protection for our package holidays.
(29.2.) We provide full financial protection for our non-flight package holidays by way of a bond held by ABTA - The Travel Association, 30 Park Street, London, SE1 9EQ, You agree to accept that in the event of our insolvency ABTA may arrange for the services you have bought to continue, or for a suitable alternative to be provided at the same cost as your original booking. You also agree to accept that in circumstances where the travel service supplier provides the services you have bought, you agree to pay any outstanding sum under your contract with us to that alternative travel service provider. However, you also agree that in some cases the services will not be provided, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under ABTA's Scheme of Protection (or your payment card issuer where applicable) for a refund of the monies you have paid.

30. Alterations or Changes to the Programme by Groupia

(30.1.) We reserve the right to make changes and to cancel your Programme.
(30.2.) Changes to price:

(30.2.1.) There are certain circumstances where we can change the price, but these are limited to changes in the price of the carriage of passengers resulting from changes to the cost of fuel or other power sources, the level of taxes or fees imposed by third parties including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports, or exchange rates which mean that the price of your travel arrangements may change after you have booked. However, there will be no change within 20 days of the start of your Programme. You accept that unexpected increases are beyond our reasonable control.
(30.2.2.) We will absorb, and you will not be charged for, any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your Programme, which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges. You will be charged for the amount over and above that. If this results in an increase equivalent to more than 8% of the price of your travel arrangements, you will have the option of accepting a change to another holiday if we are able to offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges. Should you decide to cancel you must do so within the time period shown on your final invoice.
(30.2.3.) Should the price of your holiday go down due to the cost changes mentioned above, then any refund due less applicable costs will be paid to you. We will deduct from this refund our administrative expenses incurred.

(30.3.) Insignificant changes:the Programme is based on current schedules and service details and consequently may require minor changes to be made. Groupia reserves the right to implement these changes and will endeavour to notify the Client of any such changes before commencement of the Programme. An insignificant change will be deemed to be any change which, taking into account the information given by the Client to Groupia at the time of booking, Groupia or he Supplier could not reasonably expect to have a significant effect on the confirmed Programme. In the event of insignificant changes no compensation is payable by us nor do such changes entitle the Client to cancel the Programme and receive a full refund or request an alternative Programme without additional charge.
(30.4.) Significant changes: in the event that we are constrained to alter significantly any of the main characteristic of the activities/services which form your Programme, Groupia will (where possible) endeavour to offer an alternative programme from the range of available services offered by Groupia. But in any event, you will have the following rights:

(30.4.1.) to accept the change;
(30.4.2.) cancelling the Programme and receiving a full refund (which will be in full and final settlement of all claims including loss of enjoyment).
(30.4.3.) accepting an alternative holiday, where we can offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value).

We will tell you the procedure for making your choice. Please read any notification of changes carefully and respond promptly as if you do not respond to us within the timescale given your Programme may be confirmed or cancelled.

Examples of significant changes include:

  • A change of accommodation to that of a lower standard for the whole or a major part of the Program
  • The cancellation of a significant activity or service forming part of the Programme
  • A substantial change to the price contained in the Booking Confirmation.

(30.5.) Cancellations: We will not cancel your Programme less than 6 weeks before the start of the Programme (or, in the case of Programmes that include flights, 12 weeks before the start of the Programme), except for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, failure by you to pay the final balance or because the minimum number required for the Programme to go ahead hasn't been reached. Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken ("Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances"). Where minimum numbers have not been met, Groupia will inform you of the cancellation as follows:

(30.5.1.) in the case of trips lasting more than 6 days, 20 days before the start of the Programme;
(30.5.2.) in the case of trips lasting between 2 and 6 days, 7 days before the start of the Programme; and
(30.5.3.) in the case of trips lasting less than 2 days, 48 hours before the start of the Programme.

(30.6.) You will be entitled to compensation, as set out in the table below, if you accept a refund due to a significant change to the Programme or if we cancel the Programme except where:

(30.6.1.) the significant change or cancellation by us is due to Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances, which will include, but will not be limited to, safety risks, adverse weather conditions, war, riots, civil strife or terrorist activity, aviation issues, access issues, Government intervention/advice, acts of government/public authorities, local authority disputes, industrial disputes, utility blackouts, cyber warfare, outbreaks, pandemics, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, flood, shortage of water, epidemics, health scares, medical emergency or necessity, airport closures, quarantine restrictions and any other event beyond our control; or
(30.6.2.) the minimum number required for the Programme has not been reached.

(30.7.) Where compensation is payable under this paragraph 30, it shall be as follows:

Time before departure when we give notice of cancellation to you

Compensation payable to you

More than 42 days


23-41 days


16-22 days


8-15 days


7 days or less


This does not affect your rights from claiming more if you are able to do so.

31. Transferring your booking

(31.1.) If you need to transfer your booking to another person, you must request this as soon as possible and no later than 7 days before the start of you Programme. We will incur costs in effecting these changes for you and both you and the person taking your place will be responsible for paying these.

32. Our Liability

(32.1.) You must inform us without undue delay of any failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services/events/activities included in your Programme.
(32.2.) We will not be liable where any failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services is due to:

(32.2.1.) you or another member of your party (including, but not limited to where you fail to observe safety instructions and Programme guidelines, your failure to observe and meet directions, instructions and Programme schedules, instance of inappropriate behaviour on the part of the Client or any member of the Booking Party including but not limited to legal transgression, insobriety, aggressive or violent conduct, causing loss and damage to property recklessness, deliberate intent, the breaking of rules and regulations and rudeness); or
(32.2.2.) a third party unconnected with the provision of the travel services in the Programme and is unforeseeable or unavoidable; or

(32.2.3.) unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, which means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.
(32.3.) Our liability, except in cases involving death, injury or illness, shall be limited to a maximum of three times the cost of your Programme. Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to:
(32.3.1.) The contractual terms of the companies that provide the travel services that make up your Programme. These terms are incorporated into this booking; and
(32.3.2.) Any relevant international convention, for example the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect of travel by rail and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, which limit the amount of and conditions under which compensation can be claimed for death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. We are to be regarded as having all benefit of any limitation of the extent of or the conditions under which compensation is to be paid under these or any conventions.
(32.4.) You can ask for copies of the travel service contractual terms, or the international conventions, from us by contacting us on the contact details in paragraph 1.3. Under EU law (Regulation 261/2004) you have rights in some circumstances to refunds and/or compensation from your airline in cases of denied boarding, cancellation or delay to flights. Full details will be publicised at EU airports and available from airlines. However reimbursement in such cases will not automatically entitle you to a refund of the cost of your Programme from us. Your right to a refund and/or compensation from us is set out in these booking conditions. If any payments to you are due from us, any payment made to you by the airline or any other service provider will be deducted.
(32.5.) This entire clause 32 will not apply to any separate contracts that you enter into for excursions (or other tours), activities or services whilst you are taking part in your Programme.

33. Excursions and activities/services Booked separately by you

33.1. If you choose to purchase or take part in additional excursions (or other tours), activities or services whilst participating in the Programme, these will not form part of the Package provided by us and we shall have no liability to you in respect of the same. For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 32 will not apply in these circumstances.

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient time to participate in any additional excursions (or other tours), activities or services that you book under clause 33.1. Groupia shall not be liable if you are unable to take part due to their not being sufficient time available to you.

  • Groupia Credit Notes are not financially protected. The value of the credit note will become financially protected once it's applied to a booked package programme as outlines in section 29.
  • Group credit can be used against a future group event on any current Groupia platforms.
  • Your Groupia credit expiry date will be listed on your Groupia credit note via the online VIP Area.
  • We will contact you by email to remind you to use your credit.
  • There is no current requirement for a group credit to have exactly the same group details, eg type of event/Programme and & names can change.
  • Under standard terms minimum group numbers for events still apply.
  • If a future "like-for-like" group booking does not use all the group credit available a credit balance may remain, (i.e. the group is the same & the lead client is re-booking but the event costs less than the credit amount, a remaining credit balance may show).
  • Credit may be transferable, meaning with written approval from Groupia you may pass your group credit to another group or individual may transfer credits to other individuals not related to the original booking, notwithstanding original standard terms apply.
  • Individual credits can be used by individuals against future events, however only 2 individual credits can be applied to any new independent event booking, standard terms apply eg minimum 8 guests.
  • A credit is a full & final position, no alternative will be offered unless otherwise agreed in writing by Groupia.
  • Details of your credit will be held on your Client record & viewable on your VIP Area.
  • No cash alternative.
  • Credit/s may not be used with any other offer.
  • Credit applies to new bookings only.
  • If a group cancels a credit booking no further credit will be offered.
  • For the avoidance of doubt standard terms & conditions apply to all bookings.
  • The client accepts Groupia may contact them regarding their credit & promotional opportunities, which may include newsletters which you may opt out of at any time.
  • Groups & individuals are responsible for payment of any new costs and price rises that are not covered by the credit balance.
  • Whatever you are doing please always remember to get insurance & at least booking protection.
  • If any of this is unclear or you need further assistance please contacts us at Please allow 28 days for response.
Working Examples
  1. Same group. Exactly the same group use the credit for a new event.
  2. Variations to  group names. Exactly the same group size but different names. No problem at all we will just need existing group members to transfer their credit over to the new names. The credit system in the VIP area will allow for easy transfer.
  3. Variations to group size. Mostly the same group but drop in numbers, eg 10 to 8. The bulk of the group (8) can use the credit (please remember minimum group sizes for events may still apply), while the 2 not attending can receive individual credits for future use and can be used together (to a maximum of two credits on a new booking).
  4. No new event. Nobody wants a new group event. All credits will be allocated individually.

As mentioned in

Travel Safety & Advice

For information on staying safe and healthy while travelling abroad as well as local laws and latest government advice on destinations visit the FCO Travel Aware website.
