Wedding Florists
Sister Sister Bouquets
Although some may turn their noses up at the mere notion of artificial flowers, they’ve obviously never laid eyes on the impressive creations put together by the brilliant team at Sister Sister Bouquets. Their bouquets are truly lifelike and truly stunning, making a keepsake which will literally last a lifetime.

Stucio Waow
Wow indeed. Perfect for all weddings (though their love for garden florals would really elevate a boho-styled marriage ceremony to new levels of special), Stucio Waow have been dazzling Scottish wedding parties for years. Simply sublime with boundless amounts of creative flair, their designs are well worthy of the Bridal Hero accolade.

Lincolnshire Wedding Flowers
A 2019 Bridal Hero back and as brilliant as ever, Lincolnshire Wedding Flowers are the home of the affordable artificial bouquet. They use the finest materials to ensure the highest quality product which will last for years to come. Yes, as you might have already discovered, weddings can be quite expensive, so it’s fantastic to know you can find quality products at great prices.

From stunning bouquets to glorious archways to beautiful floral walls, the incredible Francesca, who is the brains behind the operation, has worked in the wedding and events industry for over fifteen years and has almost seen it all. We say almost because she understands that each couple is unique and one-size certainly does not fit all, so she tailors her creations to work with each vision presented to her.